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Currently enrolled students and their parents / Second semester classes in 2020 academic year

Published on Aug 26, 2020


26 August 2020
Osaka City University

To OCU students and their parents,?

At Osaka City University, due to the spread of COVID-19, classes during the first semester in 2020 academic year have been conducted “online” with “face-to-face classes” for some of experiments and seminars gradually resuming since July.

As the basic concept of classes is that of “face-to-face”, we reviewed this issue again for the second semester. After considering the infectious situation of COVID-19 in Japan and the results of a survey conducted with currently enrolled students, we made the following decisions:


1.Type of classes during the second semester

While the “online-only" policy for the first semester was to prioritize the prevention of the spread of infection, to ensure a healthy relationship with students and faculty, in the second semester (starting 1 October) for the 2020 academic year, classes that meet certain requirements will be conducted “face-to-face” while making sure to prevent the spread of infections.

??Lecture classes will be conducted “online” with some classes that meet certain requirements to be conducted “face to face”. (ex. classes emphasizing group work)

?Classes with experiments and seminars should also be conducted “online” if possible. However, “face-to-face” classes can be conducted if they meet certain requirements. (ex. In a class with experiments, results of analysis to be conducted online while use of equipment to be conducted face-to-face.
?There are some courses where "online" and "face-to-face" classes are “combined”. (ex. coming to school every other week)

?Please keep your information communication environment (PC or Internet) ready to receive "online classes”.
?Those who find it difficult to attend the "face-to-face classes", due to being ill, living with an ill family member or living with an elderly person, should consult the appropriate faculty/graduate school at the time of course registration.

? As the situation surrounding COVID-19 changes, if it becomes difficult to conduct "face-to-face classes", there may be possibility to switch to "online classes" even during the middle of the semester.?

2.“Face-to-face classes”

?In order to prevent the spread of infection, in addition to taking your temperature every morning, wearing a mask while attending classes, frequent hand-washing, disinfecting hands and fingers with alcohol and gargling are requested. On campus, please take good care to protect yourself from infections and avoid the Three Cs (confined spaces, crowded places and close contact)

?Those who feel sick with a cold or have a fever of 37°C or higher, should notify the appropriate faculty/graduate school immediately.

?The number of participants in a "face-to-face class" should be within the exam capacity (approximately two-thirds of the classroom capacity), and everyone should maintain an appropriate distance from each other.

? There are plans to hold a certain number of "open classrooms", assuming students will take "online classes" before and after "face-to-face classes".?

3.In the future

Whether each class will be conducted “online”, “face-to-face”, or “combined” is currently under consideration and will be announced on OCU UNIPA by the registration day, 16 September.

Your patience is appreciated, and we ask you to check OCU UNIPA regularly for updated information.

If you have any questions, please contact the staff from your faculty/graduate school.
