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Our Brains control the decision of eating without self-consciousness?!

Published on Feb 15, 2018



 脳磁図検査の様子The group including Prof. Takahiro Yoshikawa, Lecturer Akira Ishii and graduate student Katsuko Takada, in Graduate School of Medicine in OCU, declared some changes in the regions of brain with sympathetic nervous system exciting when people saw only the image of food. Furthermore, they found that this activity change in brain relates to the level of excitement of sympathetic nerve and the degree of self-control on food on daily basis. This research indicates the possibility that the brain nerve system controls the determination and the decision-making for diet behavior under unconsciousness. What we reveal the mechanism of the recognition process with unconsciousness improves lifestyle habit problem. Also it seems to be important in solving health problem such as obesity, overweight and elderly’s poor appetite. This research result was posted on an online version of Scientific Reports on February 15, 2018.

Journal information

【Name of Magazine】Scientific Reports
【Title of Paper】Neural activity induced by visual food stimuli presented out of awareness: a preliminary magnetoencephalography study
【Author】Takada K, Ishii A, Matsuo T, Nakamura C, Uji M, Yoshikawa T.
