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Fuzhou University Law School (China) and OCU exchange project ‘Natural disasters and the Law’

Published on Mar 15, 2017


On 4 March 2017 a group of students and professors of Fuzhou University Law School visited the OCU Faculty of Law for an exchange project on ‘Natural disasters and the Law’. The project had been selected for the Sakura Science exchange program of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (official title Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science). Its aim was to analyze disaster prevention, relief, recovery and reconstruction measures in China and Japan, identifying existing problems and developing a vision for improvement based on currently available technology.

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???????? Hokudan Earthquake Memorial Park ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution

The workshops at OCU consisted of lectures showing examples of large scale natural disasters in China and Japan and a comparative analysis of the legal systems related to disaster prevention in both countries. It was a meaningful opportunity for both sides to learn from each other's experiences. The entire program lasted one week and included a visit of afflicted areas of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution and observations of the disaster prevention measures at major companies in Osaka Prefecture.

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?????????????????? Joint workshop????????????????????????????????????? Lecture by the Dean of the Fuzhou University
?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Law School

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?????????????????? Joint workshop ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????????? Commemorative photo with
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? OCU President Arakawa

About Fuzhou University

Fuzhou University was established in 1958. The Fuzhou University Law School and the Osaka City University Faculty of Law concluded an international academic exchange agreement in November 2016.
