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Dr. Craig Farnham (Graduate School of Human Life Science) wins ‘Heat-Island Institute International Award’

Published on Jun 24, 2016


Dr. Craig Farnham (lecturer and researcher at the OCU Graduate School of Human Life Science) received the 2016 Heat-Island Institute International Award for Research Papers. The award ceremony took place in Tokyo on 28 May 2016.

Dr. Farnham won the award for his research paper ‘EVAPORATIVE MIST COOLING OF AN URBAN WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANT', which was published in the journal? Heat-Island Institute International (Volume 7, 2012). He shares the prize with his co-authors: Specially Appointed Professor Masaki Nakao of the OCU Advanced Research Institute for Natural Science and Technology and Professor Masatoshi Nishioka and Associate Professor Minako Nabeshima of the OCU Graduate School of Engineering.

In August 2015 we posted an article about another research project of Dr. Farnham (Cooling effect of water mist fans on skin temperature) on the OCU Facebook page:
