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122nd OCU Boat Race 18~19 May 2013

Published on May 09, 2013


Boat Race 2013The 122nd OCU Boat Race will take place on the Okawa river, between Genpachi Bridge (close to Sakuranomiya station) and Shinsakuranomiya Bridge, on 18 and 19 May 2013. The event will start from 9:00 on both days.

More than a hundred teams will be competing in different categories, including faculty teams, girls teams, club circle teams (divided in sports and cultural club teams), local citizens teams and teaching faculty + administrative staff teams. This year again will have OCU President Nishizawa leading the President's boat (tentative name), and crews of each Graduate School will be racing against each other.

As always, students will be cheerleading and performing live music onstage.
For more information: ?http://boatsai.web.fc2.com/ (in Japanese)

